Six years ago my parents were kind enough to buy me an expensive camera for my birthday. I had mentioned at the time wanting to start a YouTube channel and that the only way I could do it was to have a “legit” camera.
Oh the things we tell ourselves 😂
Because after that I needed professional lights too, of course!
Well….two thousand one hundred and eighty-seven days later…I’ve done it!
Your girl is a YouTuber!
I don’t care that I have 7 subscribers, it’s pure FUN for me so I’m doing it.
It’s basically an extension of the blog where I’ll be releasing videos about getting organized, getting fit, and redecorating my little apartment in the Hollywood hills.
The latest video is up and you can go check it out now.
Make sure to like it and comment and share.
Lots of love,
Carla xx
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